Friday, January 25, 2008

What's changed in the last 14 months?

It wasn't difficult to make the list of changes experienced in the real estate industry and our firms/members in the last 14 months; when MAR's 2007-2008 Strategic Plan was developed. Today the MAR Strategic Planning Committee tackled what MAR's response should be to industry changes and recommended revisions and additions to the Plan. Focus Areas include: Legal/Regulatory/ Governmental, Professionalism and Communications, Industry Concerns, Market Forces and Technology. Many great ideas that now make their way to the MAR Board of Directors for consideration.

Participating: (pictured) Andi Sawyer, Brenda Fontaine, Kelley Craig, Pauline Rock, and Jack Taylor, Mike LePage, Patti Lawton, Cathy Pendergast, Rita Yarnold, Mikie Perry, Jeremy Payne

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