Monday, April 7, 2008

Thank You, Senator Snowe

MAR continues to applaud and thank Senator Olympia Snowe for her leadership and ongoing efforts to improve health insurance options for small businesses. On April 2, she was among the original cosponsors to introduce the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Act in the U.S. Senate.

The SHOP Act offers tax incentives to encourage states to reform poorly functioning small group insurance markets to make health insurance premiums for small businesses and the self-employed more affordable and predictable, and encourages the development of state purchasing polls backstopped by a voluntary, nationwide pool.

Many of the largest concerns on Maine's REALTORS, such as health insurance availability/costs, can only be significantly solved with Congressional, legislative and/or regulatory action. Be sure to thank Senator Snowe!

Pictured: Maine Senator Olympia Snowe with REALTOR Shawn Roy (Vallee Real Estate, Hallowell)

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